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Jim Rouse Theater for the Performing Arts is one of the most impressive buildings in Columbia where different types of exhibitions are held all the year round. Needless to say, the building attracts thousands of visitors each year. The building was named after Jim Rouse, a legendary figure in America.

Jim Rouse had a significant influence not only on the development of Columbia but also the United States in general. In 1995 he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in honor of his lifetime achievements by the then president, Bill Clinton. Clinton described Rouse as a hard working American who had helped “heal the torn out heart” of America’s urban areas.

Jim Rouse was born on 26th April 1914 in Easton, Maryland. On completing his studies https://www.haytheatre.com/ . he was employed at the Federal Housing Administration. In 1939 he established his own mortgage company, which expanded over the years. By the late 1950s the firm was actively involved in development and is credited with the construction of the Harundale mall, which was the first of its kind on the East Coast. The firm’s main aim in the 1960s was to develop Columbia and in particular the community in Maryland. In the 1970s the company planned and constructed various buildings and malls such as the Festival market place and Faneuil mall. Some of the best buildings done by the Rouse Company can be toured via a taxi service.

During his career, which spanned more than half a century, Jim Rouse was appointed to various national committees and task forces that were influential in shaping the real estate sector into its present form. In 1982 he was appointed to the Housing Task Force by President Eisenhower and, in 1982, appointed to the Private Sector Task Force by President Ronald Reagan. The National Housing Task Force, on which he served as chairman in 1987, made recommendations that led to the drafting and signing of the Comprehensive Housing Act in 1990. Jim Rouse retired as chief executive officer of his firm in 1979 and, together with his wife , launched the Enterprise Foundation and also the Enterprise Development Company to carry on with the commercial development agenda. Jim Rouse died on 9th April 1996 and a memorial service was held at the Merriweather Post Pavilion on 12th April.

Due to the great service that Jim Rouse offered to the people of Columbia a number of buildings have been named in his honor. One such building is the Jim Rouse Theater for the Performing Arts located at the Wilde Lake High School. The theater covers a total area of ​​about 12,500 square feet and can accommodate up to 747 people. It is an ideal place for meetings, shows and exhibitions, business training sessions and rallies. The Jim Rouse Theater for the Performing Arts is available for hire and reservations can be made by making a phone call. Alternatively, you can visit their web page which contains useful information, such as technical specifications, etc. The theater attracts thousands of performers and large audiences every year. For foreigners, a taxi service would be the best way to travel to the theatre. The cost of the taxi service may vary depending on the traffic conditions.

If Jim Rouse Theater for Performing Arts is your destination in the near future, then use our quality Taxi Services to reach there without any worries. Request for information.